Okay, so we may have figured out the sleeping issue. I think it's some sort of separation anxiety...and I blame Jeremy for this problem. I think him being gone for a whole week has messed her up a little, where else could this have come from? Just kidding Jeremy, it's not all your fault...maybe ;)
So last night we decided to put up the pack-n-play in our bedroom and let Ansley sleep there. It was a late night, and we didn't get her to bed until about 10. She proceeded to cry until about 10:45 when we finally went up there and got in bed. Then she stopped, fake coughed a few times and clicked her tongue a few times to make us laugh, and then laid down, went to sleep, and didn't wake up until 8:00! So how do we fix this problem? She's still awful cute, regardless!
Is it time for a big girl bed? Ashlen went into hers before she was 2 and she did great. We had to put a baby gate in her door (try without first in case she is upset with the crib because of a 'trapped' feeling). Maybe the freedom of a big girl bed will make her feel better. Worth a try?
Believe it or not. I have been going thru kind of the same thing with Beth Anne. She does fine during nap time. As long as I rock her to sleep. But at night, she will not go to sleep. I finally have to put her in her crib and let her get herself to sleep. But, last night that didn't work so well. I ended up having to hold her and get her to sleep myself. It was 9:40 when she fell asleep last night. Lately it has been 10:00 before she is falling asleep. Is Ansley teething? I noticed yesterday that Beth has a tooth popping through. She has been really fussy and winey lately. Now I think I know why. Maybe we can help each other figure out the solution this weekend. See you all this weekend. As long as we can get on the flight tomorrow morning.
We had the non-sleeping variety of children as well. Both of them, although one was worse than the other. When Blake was about two and in a big bed, we'd put him to bed and one of us would sit on the floor by his bed. Every couple of nights, we'd move furhter from his bed until we were in the hallway, where he could still see us. We sat and read a book or something, never interacted with him. Soon we were able to leave his sight and he did fine. Ansley may not be old enough for this yet but it might be worth a try eventually.
I do agree with blaming Daddy though. I try to do that as much as possible.
Good luck.
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