Sunday, January 30, 2011


Ian had his 2 month appointment on Friday and is still a big boy! He is 14 lbs. 3.8 ounces and 23.5 inches long. That puts him in the 90-97% for weight (that hasn't changed) and 75% for height (he was in the 90-97th at his one month appointment). The doctor put him on some medicine for acid reflux, so hopefully that will help with his spitting up/choking/coughing/arching of the back/screaming during feedings. Although acid reflux certainly hasn't affected him enough to cause him to slow down on his feedings! He is a great baby, very easygoing and usually calm and happy. He still wakes up every three hours on the dot in the middle of the night to eat, and Mommy is really hoping he starts sleeping longer stretches soon! He started smiling a week or two ago, and is getting really smiley now. That's fun!

Ansley had her 3 year appointment on Friday as well. She is 27 lbs. and 35 inches tall. That puts her in the 25% for weight and 10-15% for height. She's just a little squirt. She better watch out or her little brother may pass her up soon! She is goofy, ornery, and lovable. She has the sense of humor like that of an adult at times, and she really makes us laugh, A LOT!

Kennedy didn't go to the doctor, but I'll say something about her anyways! She still loves school and comes home saying things like "Hannah is my BFF," and other phrases that she is learning from kids at school (luckily nothing bad so far!) Although she can still be shy, she has REALLY come out of her shell, for which we are very thankful. She is enjoying Girl Scouts and Math Fact Scholars at school. She is learning to read more and more words and I felt pure joy yesterday afternoon as I heard her reading an entire book to her little sister!

The new picture at the top was taken this morning before church. I thought they all looked cute in their stripes!

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

On Being a Mother of Three

Just this weekend I was being asked how it was going being a mother of three. I gave an honest answer that it hadn't really been too bad so far, and that I think it will be pretty easy until Ian becomes mobile.


That was before Sunday night! I'm taking back those words and will never say such things again because those words have come back to haunt me. Sunday night between Ansley throwing up, Kennedy coughing, and Ian just plain wanting to hang out instead of sleep, I was exhausted! I was trying to do it all myself because we just bought a health club membership this weekend, and Jeremy had decided to go work out at 5:30 in the morning on Monday for his very first workout. I certainly did not want to make him miss that. However, he did, because around 3:30 am I realized I couldn't do it all by myself.

To add to the misery, I had a horrible headache, sore throat and was feeling a bit nauseous myself. Fortunately, Jeremy was able to stay home yesterday to help take care of everyone. Last night Kennedy began complaining about a sore throat, for which she had already missed school last week when she had one with a fever. This morning she had no fever, and although she told me she thought she should stay home, I sent her to school. I get the bad mom award though, and at 10:00 I received a phone call that she had a fever and I needed to come get her. Luckily, I had just showered and changed Ansley out of her pajamas. Unfortunately, Ian was ready to eat. So I took a screaming baby, feverish toddler whose hair hasn't been combed in two days, and myself up to the school and to pick up Kennedy.

In a few minutes, we will be leaving for the doctor. Is anyone else ready for spring???

Wednesday, January 19, 2011


Here are some new pictures of our little man!

Blog Thief

I'm completely stealing most of these pictures from my sister's blog. They were just too cute to pass up. My kids are blessed with cousins right around their ages. On Jeremy's side of the family, the girls have their cousin Chelsea, who is 13 days younger than Ansley. The girls have so much fun with her. Isn't she cute? And I'm told her father used to stick out his tongue just like that as a kid when he was concentrating! (She also happens to look exactly like her father!)
On my side of the family, my sister Stacy also has 3 kids, who all happen to be the same ages as my kids...and no, we didn't plan it, we both just had the same timeline! And, we're both done having kids, so it's time for Jeremy/Kendal, and Betsy/Chad to take over in that department! Here are some pictures from Christmas of the cousins.

Kennedy and Sidney: Kennedy was born in June '05 and Sidney was born in August '05
Ansley and Caleb: Caleb was born in October '07 and Ansley was born in February '08.
Tyler and Ian: Tyler was born on Oct. 29, 2010 and Ian was born on Nov. 29, 2010.
Our kids!
We even have an added bonus in our family with Dave's new grandson Alex. He was born on June 29, 2010. This picture was taken on December 29, 2010, so it was Alex's 6 month birthday, Tyler's 2 month birthday, and Ian's 1 month birthday!

Friday, January 14, 2011

Different Daughters

Two daughters. Same parents. Couldn't be more different at times.


When Kennedy was around 3, she wanted to try chewing gum. I sat her down and explained that we don't swallow gum, we just chew it and then when we are done we throw it away. I may have evoked a bit of fear into her by explaining gum was not good for our bellies.

Kennedy is my rule follower and play-it-safe-stickler. Actually, Kennedy is my mini-me. She is pretty much exactly like I was as a kid--except for her occasional sassiness--which I never had (right mom? especially not through ages 10-17!)

When I explained how gum worked, she listened. She followed instructions. And when she was tired of the gum, which the first time happened to be within 2 minutes, she threw it away. She never had any gum chewing problems, probably due to the fear the gum would harm her body if she swallowed it.

That brings us to today. Ansley was having a minor constipation issue, and I may have bribed her to go potty with the reward of getting to try gum. She has never really had any interest in gum, but suddenly her eyes widened and she promptly did what she needed to do.

I had the same discussion with Ansley that I had with Kennedy a few years back. I had her repeat to me the instructions, specifically the part about when we are done chewing, we throw the gum away.

I gave her the gum. She chewed, and smiled a lot. I kept reminding her that we don't swallow gum. For about 3 minutes she chewed. Then she very matter-of-factly smiled and said "I just ate the gum Mom."

Sure enough, she had swallowed it, and she wasn't the least bit ashamed. Thank you Jeremy, I'm thinking she's exactly like you!

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Playing Catch-Up

I finally uploaded a lot of pictures onto my computer tonight. Here's a little of what's been going on over the past two months!

Jeremy's entire family was in town for his sister's wedding and we celebrated Christmas together.
Ansley and her cousin Chelsea are watching Kennedy get on the bus for school.
Playing in the snow with Daddy
Getting to know baby brother

"Christmas Morning" at our house...3 days before Christmas
1-11-11: My 31st birthday! Enjoying dinner with friends at the Cheesecake Factory.
Ian is doing great these days. He had a one month check-up last week and is in the 97th percentile for height, weight, and head size. He has already gained 4 pounds! He's a great baby, but I am ready for him to sleep a little bit longer at night! Maybe one of these days...