I love this child. I really, really do. But right now she is frustrating me SO bad! She will not sleep in her crib! I do not know what is going on! She used to be the most easy-going, laid-back child in the world and now she is causing my hair to gray quicker than it already was. I need help from veteran parents here...what do I do??? Right now, I am approaching hour 2 of listening to her cry at naptime. Just before I put her in her crib she was falling asleep on her changing table as I changed her diaper...so I know she's tired. But as soon as I put her in her crib, the screaming began. This has been going on since Friday for all naps and at night. Either Jeremy or I have ended up on the couch with her every night since then. She'll sleep just fine then...of course Jeremy and I aren't hardly sleeping. We are determined to let her cry it out...but seriously, 2 hours of crying with no end in sight? How do we continue with that? We even took her to the doctor yesterday because I was convinced she had to have an ear infection...she didn't have any symptoms, but that is the only time she has ever done anything like this. But no, she's just fine, according to the doctor. I am getting ready to go away for the weekend with the girls by myself, and we have got to get this cleared up before then! It's rough with help, I can't imagine doing it by myself. Any suggestions or advice???
Some may say, try not to take her out, but do go in to comfort her - first by patting and then just words etc. It may take a few times to break the cycle of her knowing or wanting you to take her out. Not sure if any type of reward system would work...
Does she like music or flashlights?
I would look into any health issues too and see if you can relate it to any diet or even events from the day.
Good luck!
i know i'm not a veteran parent, but corrina went through that too...for her i think most of it was a separation anxiety thing. i would let her cry for about 5-10 mins. then go back in but not pick her up; i'd just lay her back down, rub her back, sing a little, then tell her i was leaving but i'd be in the next room and i'd see her in the morning. then, i'd let her cry for 10-15 mins. and do the same thing over again, adding on about 5 mins during each crying session. eventually this worked and she felt safe in her bed again, knowing that we weren't leaving her. hope this helps and we'll be praying for you!
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