Ever since I have been running, Kennedy has mentioned a few times that she would like to run a race. I found out a few months ago that the Magic House was having a "fun run/50-yard dash" for 2-4 year olds, so I asked Kennedy if she wanted to do it. She said yes immediately, but I didn't sign her up right away because I wasn't really sure she would do it. However, pretty much weekly she would ask when her race was. So I decided to sign her up after she saw one of my races, to make sure she understood what she was doing. Today was the big day. Jeremy and I were still pretty unsure about whether or not she would actually participate when the time came. I hoped she would, but I wasn't going to be heartbroken if she didn't. It only cost $12 to sign her up, and that got her a t-shirt and entrance to the museum (which is normally $8.50!) so I didn't figure it would be a waste of our money.
She surprised us though! She woke up this morning and debated on what she should eat to give her the most energy. She finally settled on a leftover pancake that Aunt Betsy made earlier in the week. We got to the race and she was so excited and couldn't wait for her turn. We watched a few heats and then finally it was her turn. She ran against 5 other kids and came in second in her heat. We were very proud of her! After she finished she said "Did I win?" and we told her she got second place. She really didn't get what that meant, but I assured her it was great, and that it was the same place Aunt Betsy got in her first race. She was excited, and wanted to immediately call Aunt Betsy to tell her the news. Then the race excitement was over and she was ready to go play in the Magic House. Jeremy and her are spending some much needed daddy/daughter time there today before he gets ready to leave to camp for a week...and I am enjoying a quiet house while Ansley takes a much needed morning nap!
***I forgot to mention that there were 2 unexpected visitors at the big race! There is a Dora Live! show going on in St. Louis right now and Dora and Diego surprised all the racers to cheer them on! They were only there for a minute, but it was a neat surprise!
Wow! Good going Kennedy. Love you-Nana
Check out that form in pic #3. So proud of my girl!
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