Do we have a tomboy on our hands? She loves to wear her Daddy's hats. Of course she also loves to wear her sister's jewelry, so who knows?
As far as a sleeping update goes, we think she may be having nightmares, which has scared her from sleeping by herself. We think we actually witnessed one of these nightmares, and it was not fun! What does a 17 month old have nightmares about, that is what I want to know! We have put her back in her crib, and she is doing better, but not great. One night, we played some music in her room, and that helped her calm down and go to sleep. We have also just sat quietly in her room and she will go to sleep that way. Hopefully she will soon start to get over this problem! But she is sleeping all night long, so that is good.
Kennedy is suffering from a bladder infection right now, and that is no fun. We got an antibiotic yesterday, and she says she is feeling better, but that may be only because Aunt Betsy is here, and we promised we would take her to Six Flags today. Ansley is big enough to get on the kiddie rides this year, so we are going to spend the morning there, come home for lunch and naps, and maybe go back in the evening. I hope we're not too crazy!
1 comment:
Could your baby be having "night terrors"? Google that to get more information.
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