I feel like it's been a while since I blogged, but my last post was March 2, so it hasn't been too long! Not too much has been going on around here. Ansley gets her tubes on Tuesday as long as she doesn't have a fever at that point. We had to take her into the doctor again this week, as she has another double ear infection, and was having fevers with it.
Kennedy is as onry as ever. Anyone know how to spell onry? Every combination I could come up with was wrong...so much for that spelling bee trophy I received in third grade! We are taking her and Ansley to meet Biscuit the Dog tonight. He is from a book series that Kennedy has recently become fond of, and he will be at the Barnes and Noble here tonight. I'm not sure what to expect, if it will be a real dog, or someone in a dog costume. Either way, I hope the girls aren't scared. Ansley loves to see dogs, but Kennedy is a little more hesitant.
I'm on my last week of running with walking involved. I'm running 27 minutes and walking 3 (run 9, walk 1, 3 times). Next week I am supposed to run for 30 minutes straight. I'm a little nervous about this endeavor, and am not so sure it will happen. Even though I am only walking a minute in between my runs, I really LOVE that minute! Maybe I'll shoot for running 15 and then walking 1, and running the rest...I don't know. Betsy and I are trying to pick out the 5K that we want to run. I'd love to do a Race for the Cure, but I'm not sure any of the dates will work. We may do one that the high school most of our youth group goes to is putting on for ALS. We'll see.
That's about all I can think of for now! We are looking forward to Betsy being in town next Friday night (which happens to be her 24th birthday!) before she flies to NYC to visit her friend. Kennedy always gets very excited when Betsy comes because she gets to have a "slumber party" in her room...aka Betsy sleeps on the trundle in her room and even though she goes to bed much later than Kennedy does, it still is exciting for her.
Until next time...
My favorite part of the sleepover is when KJ wakes up in the morning and sprints past my bed as quickly as possible b/c she needs to see Mom and Dad first thing in the morning. Can't wait to see you!
Good to read your update. I am totally impressed with your exercise achievement. Poor Ansley Grace. I hope those tubes get in and work their magic. Love you guys xoxoxo. p.s Give Betsy a hello from us.
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