I've seen this on Facebook and other blogs and decided to ask Kennedy these questions. I asked her them about her mommy and her daddy. The answers about her mommy are in pink, the answers about her daddy are in blue. Cute stuff! By the way, Kennedy did her hair in that picture!
1.What is something mom/dad always says to you?
Yes, I love you
2. What makes mom/dad happy?
Kissing me, Playing with me
3. What makes mom/dad sad?
Crying if she doesn't get the things she wants (This was a big issue with her today...I think it was on her mind!), Crying
4. How does your mom/dad make you laugh?
When she falls down, When he falls down (This is how she makes Ansley laugh)
5. What was your mom/dad like as a child?
Like me, crazy
6. How old is your mom/dad?
22, 22 (huh?)
7. How tall is your mom/dad?
This much (with hand as high as it will go), Same as mommy
8. What is her/his favorite thing to do?
Go to the park, Play hide and go seek (I think at times she got confused as to whether this was a question about mommy/daddy or her!)
9. What does your mom/dad do when you're not around?
Cry, cry
10. If your mom/dad becomes famous, what will it be for?
Loving God, singing
11. What is your mom/dad really good at?
Making cookies, fixing my flashlights
12. What is your mom/dad not very good at?
Hula hooping, fixing shirts
13. What does your mom/dad do for a job?
Stay home, works at the church offices
14.What is your mom/dad's favorite food?
Pizza, pizza
15.What makes you proud of your mom/dad?
When she jumps over mud puddles, Fixing my flashlight
16. If your mom/dad was a cartoon character, who would she/he be?
Dora, Diego
17. What do you and your mom/dad do together?
Play, play
18. How are you and your mom/dad the same?
we have the same color hair, we have the same legs (I always tell her she is lucky she got her daddy's skinny legs)
19. How are you and your mom/dad different?
My name is Kennedy Joy Picker, her name is Laura Lynn Picker, we don’t have the same hair
20. How do you know your mom/dad loves you?
She plays with me, he hugs me
21. What does your mom/dad like most about your dad/mom?
Kissing him, kissing her
22. Where is your mom's/dad's favorite place to go?
Stores, specifically Shop-n-Save (ick!), Apple store (Mac computers...she got that right!)
Hilarious...I am totally doing this! But, did she really say 'specifically', because if so, I am very impressed!!!!!! =)
Ha ha! No, she didn't...I added that!
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