Now tell me these aren't cute shoes! I bet you'll think they are even cuter when I tell you I got them for $2.54! Well technically $7.62 since I bought 3 pairs! They are Carter's and 90% off at Kohls right now plus I had a 15% off coupon! Had I bought them at full price ($29.99), I would have spent $89.97! I never would have paid full price though! I bought Kennedy a pair to fit her now, since she is still squeezing her feet into size 8 Elmo tennis shoes, which are clearly too small; and I bought Ansley 2 pair to grow into--she's too young to complain about wearing the same pair of shoes two sizes in a row right? The only problem is I went in looking for white dress shoes for both girls and still have yet to find those. Kohl's only had one style, and they were $29.99 and I am NOT paying that for shoes that will be worn one season! Walmart and Target have a horrible selection right now too! Isn't Easter right around the corner? Where are all tht $7.99-$9.99 choices that I pick from every year? I'm having the worst time finding them. Maybe my girls will just have to be unfashionable this Easter and wear brown or black. I know they won't care...but can I handle that? Probably not. The search continues...