My girls make me laugh everyday. I can be so mad at Kennedy and then she knows exactly what to say/do to make me laugh...I need to work on that I think! Miss Ansley is becoming quite the little ham these days. She loves to make us laugh. Today she found a stocking cap on the floor and was trying to put it on her gynormous head and was laughing as she did it. I helped her get it on all the way and she walked around being goofy for the next few minutes. It was quite humorous. I also know anytime she is getting into something she isn't supposed to...I'll hear "no no no no no no" in her little voice as she does it. So cute...but I think I'm gonna have my work cut out for me!

1 comment:
Yep, I have to agree......pretty cute. Kisses & hugs to both of those sweet girls. Love, Nana
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