The other day at my MOPS meeting a mom talked to us about running. She owns a running store and showed us a program we could use so that in 12 weeks we would be running for 30 minutes straight...which I can do on an elliptical, but running? No way! However, I was inspired. I didn't say anything about it for a few days, because I wanted to see if I still had the urge later on. I finally told Jeremy that I wanted to give it a try and that I was going to start getting up at 6 a.m. to run. I'm not sure if he believed me, but he supported me. So I started yesterday, and so far so good. Of course, I'm only running a total of 6 minutes right now and walking 24, but it's a start. My goal is to run a 5K this spring or summer, and my sister Betsy said she'd join me. If anyone else wants to jump on the bandwagon, feel free to join us!
Since I decided to get serious about this, I used the rest of my birthday money to buy a good pair of running shoes. Let me just say I had no idea the money it would cost! Now I really have to go through with this new "hobby"! I have never spent that much money on a pair of shoes in my life!
So why am I blogging about this? Mostly for accountability. I'll feel really silly if everyone knows this and I don't go through with it! So now it's out there. I have a really expensive pair of shoes and a new goal. I'm hoping running will grow on me. I can remember a vague time in my life when I didn't think running was so bad...like in 8th grade when I "played" basketball and was in shape. I'm really hoping I can get back to that. Hopefully in six months I'll be able to show you a picture of the same shoes, nicely worn! Until next time, here's a picture of my girls sporting mommy's new shoes.

You go girl!
I think that's great, but I don't think I'll be joining you. I'll cheer you on from the sides. :) Cheryl
ok laura, i'm in! i hate running too, but i've always thought it a good workout. so, if you want someone to run with, i'd like to join you.
I'm with you...I HATE running...always have. I think too many mornings of getting up at 5:30 in high school to run cross country (we had to if we wanted to play basketball). But, that being said...I've really thought about trying to take it up too. I would love to join...but I'll probably have to wait until after July! :) By then, I will definitely need a good workout!
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