So this is what happens when you leave your three year old to watch your eleven month old so you can go fix your hair...

I normally try to be up and ready before Jeremy goes to work, but since he is gone, I don't have that luxury. I've been taking my showers at night after the girls go to bed so I don't have to do that in the morning, but I still have to put on my makeup and fix my hair. Thinking nothing could go wrong, I kindly put Ansley in her exersaucer, filled with Cheerios, and left Kennedy in the recliner with her Poptart watching Diego. However, I must have left the box of Cheerios a little too close to the exercauser, and Miss Ansley grabbed them and proceeded to dump them all out. Kennedy, who was very willing to tattle on her (she learned that fine art from her cousin Sidney :) for some reason didn't think to take the box away from Ansley. Oh well, it didn't take much to clean them up, and started our morning off with something to blog about already! Well, Ansley is still in the saucer, and not happy at all about it, so I better go get her. Have a great day!
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