Happy New Year! We are recovering from being off schedule, traveling, having company and just the holidays in general! Last week Jeremy's family was in town and we had lots of fun with them. I wish I could post pictures, but Jeremy is out of town with the camera I need. Of course our house didn't feel we were having enough excitement with a house full of people, recently broken furnace, and recently broken water heater, that it decided to throw another home improvement project at us.

That my friends, is a picture of my living room ceiling. Yes, that's a hole in it. We noticed shortly after we got home from Peoria a large water spot on the ceiling. The girls bathroom is directly above this spot, but we couldn't see any leaks anywhere. After a few showers taken by our company, we soon had a drip coming from the ceiling. Jeremy poked a hole through it to see if he could determine what was going on, and together he and his dad caught bucket after bucket of water. Turns out, our shower head was causing a leak somehow through the wall and down into our living room. Also turns out our home warranty won't cover this problem. Fun stuff.
The girls and I are missing Jeremy this week who is away in Colorado for a week with "work". I've been teasing him about his "work", which consists of staying in a nice hotel with a couple of college buddies, driving a Hummer H3 as his rental car, and going skiing for a day...oh, with a couple of conferences for youth ministers thrown in between all that. He's having fun, and we are trying to stay busy to avoid stir-craziness. Monday was a day filled with tumbling class and grocery shopping, yesterday we explored a mall we hadn't been to yet (with an awesome play area!) and today we've already been swimming and tonight we are going to the Magic House. Ansley is on her 4th round of antibiotics for her ear infection, and we go back to the doctor on Tuesday to get her re-checked. She's also pretty much walking everywhere. She recently turned 11 months old...so I'm working on planning her birthday bash...so hard to believe! Hope everyone is having a great year so far!

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