Remember the snake we had in our garage a few weeks ago? Well this morning as I was taking Kennedy to tumbling class I was greeted by another snake. It looked just like the last one but was a lot smaller. Then, tonight as we are sitting down for dinner, Jeremy went out to the garage to grab a soda and came back in to tell me that he just chopped off the head of another snake. Yippee. He actually got a picture of this one though (shown above...he also took a picture of the chopped off head, but I'll spare you from that one). The really bad part is we are not seeing the same snake over and over again. They are clearly different snakes. The first two were black, one big, one little, and this one was greenish brown. I am really not happy about this at all! Any suggestions on what to do about our horrible problem? I'm completely paranoid to go into our garage and if they get into my house I think I may start looking to move!
Collaboration request
10 months ago
1 comment:
I think you still have time, grab the children and get out of there. I will pray for your safety. Denise
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