So I said I would never get a fake Christmas tree. I tried to hold my ground, but Lowe's got the best of me. The whole fun in a real tree was going to the tree farm (preferably Red Barn in Morton) and cutting one down. However, Jeremy and I stopped doing that a few years ago when Christmas trees were costing us $70. Then we moved to Lowe's pre-cut trees for $19.99. However, last year we got the driest tree ever, and there were pine needles everywhere. I even stepped on one last year and it went in my foot like a splinter. I remember saying "Maybe next year we can get a fake tree." I didn't really mean it though. Red Barn tree or Lowe's tree, you still can't beat the smell of a real one! Jeremy has been pushing for a fake one for quite some time though, I think mainly because he hates the work of putting it up. Conveniently he "misplaced" our tree stand in the move, so we were going to have to buy a tree and a new tree stand. We went to Lowe's last night to check out the selection, and then we saw it...a pre-lit tree for under $100. Jeremy spent a few minutes talking me into it, and then I agreed, only because it's not one of those plastic looking fake trees...although they did fool us, and there are some of those plastic looking leaves in certain parts of the tree...and because we have a nine month old child that I really didn't want to have to worry about ingesting pine needles daily. I agreed, but only if we could start getting real trees again when the kids are older. What a compromise huh? So here it is...The Picker Family Christmas Tree.
1 comment:
It looks really pretty. Convenince and ease is worth something!
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