I found this Snow White dress on Craigslist for $5 and couldn't resist. Kennedy has dress-up clothes, but none of the actual "Princess" dresses. She's pretty much not taken it off since we got it. I thought she looked so cute eating her breakfast at the counter with her legs crossed, but I was trying to get a picture of her without her noticing. However, she turned just as I was taking it.
Ansley, the little dwarf, is certainly not Sleepy. I don't know what her deal is! She has been waking up in the middle of the night screaming at the top of her lungs. We used to be able to just go in, rock her for a few minutes, and put her back in bed. However, recently, she will not stop crying and points to our bedroom. If we take her in there and put her in bed with us, she immediately closes her eyes and goes back to sleep. I'm not sure how this happened, because she has never slept in our bed before, and I certainly don't like it! She is quite the wiggle worm and I have a hard time sleeping with her there...not to mention I don't want to start something that is hard to break in the future! Last night, Jeremy wasn't feeling well, plus he had a meeting at 7 am this morning, and she would not stop crying! Being extremely tired myself, I brought her to our bed, but she just tossed and turned. So I got up with her, got her some milk and ended up laying on the couch with her the rest of the night. She ended up sleeping most of the night, although I can't say I really did much. Any suggestions or advice out there for me? We have tried letting her cry it out, and she cried for over an hour one night (with no signs of letting up), until we couldn't take it any longer and brought her to our bed. Letting her cry it out is risky too, since it could easily wake Kennedy and then we'd be dealing with two kids that wanted to sleep with us. If you have any advice I'd love to know it!

1 comment:
We went thru the same thing with Beth. It seems like the first eight months of her life. I would call Gary during the middle of the night crying. Because she wouldn't go to sleep. He would tell me to just put her in her crib. Easy for him to say. He wasn't the one at home listening to her crying. I hate to tell you this but, I/we (mostly I, Megan)just dealt with it and eventually she starting sleeping thru the night. Beth has never been a good sleeper. This week included. It is hard to do. But, I leave her in her crib and eventually she goes to sleep.
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