We've discovered Ansley has a new love. When Kennedy was her age, she was obsessed with Elmo. Click here and here to see a little about that. However, Ansley barely knows who Elmo is. Kennedy thinks she is too big to watch Sesame Street, so instead we watch Dora in the mornings during breakfast and while we are trying to wake up. I've noticed Ansley really paying attention and getting excited when Dora comes on. I've even caught her saying "baa-paa" (backpack) when the purple backpack comes on and sings. Tonight she found a Dora DVD in our drawer and carried it around for quite some time. She was trying to say "Dora" too. She also very clearly said "Swiper" and if you know anything about Swiper, everyone says "Swiper no swiping!" and he replys with "Oh, man!". I would say to Ansley "Swiper no swiping!" and she would say "Maaaaan!". It was too cute. We'll have to try and get it on video soon. She kept us very entertained.
Tomorrow Nana gets to go with us to watch Kennedy at tumbling, and then I have to take Ansley for a follow-up appointment on her ears, to make sure the tubes are doing their job. I think they are, but we'll see. I'll leave you with a picture of the girls and me from last weekend. I was trying to get a cute one, but apparently I didn't get the memo to open my mouth wide!

1 comment:
That's funny...Caleb is a fan of Dora too! (I didn't really think he paid attention.) Singing "backpack, backpack" was his very first song (he's normally a hummer...guess that's what happens when you don't talk much). :)
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