Guess who's nine months old? Well, actually almost nine and a half by now! I'm a little late on posting due to our crazy past few weeks.

Here are her current stats:
Weight: 19 pounds 4 ounces (50-75th percentile)
Height: 28 inches (75th percentile)
Head: 19.5 inches (off the charts)
The doctor was a little worried about her head size. He thought it was probably just due to genetics (she can thank Daddy for that) but wanted to check it out just to make sure there was no water on her brain. We had to have an ultrasound done on her head, but the good news is, she just has a big head!
Some other things about Miss Ansley:
--She can say "Ma-ma", "Da-da", "Hi!" and when she wants food for some reason she says "Nah Nah!" over and over again. I have also heard her say "dah" when she looks at a picture of a dog or when she saw my brother's dog last week. She can also sign for "more".
--She learned last week to say "hi" and wave at people. Boy was she having fun doing that at church this morning. It's really cute though, and she says "hi" in the most high-pitched voice.
--She loves her big sister and laughs at her all the time.
--She hold remotes and toy phones and puts them up to her ears and jabbers.
--She can stand for a few seconds on her own.
--She is trying her hardest to walk and loves to pull up on things.
--Due to that fact, she often has scrapes and bruises on her face.
--She is the most easy going baby I have ever known. We just got home from a 30 hour round-trip to Houston, in the car, and never once did she make me question whether I was sane or not for trying to make that trip. She was awesome. She just chilled in her carseat and rarely got upset about anything. I'm not so sure I can say the same about her sister...although she was pretty good too!
--She sleeps about 12 hours each night, from about 7-7, however, she is super flexible if we can't get her in bed by 7, and just goes with the flow.
Two kids can be challenging at times, but Miss Ansley's easy-going nature reassures the fact that I want to have more kids...someday...not anytime soon!
Pulling up to look at the TV
Saying "hi" to mom
Talking on the phone
Enough already!