Today I decided Ansley, Ian, and I needed to get out of the house. Ansley and I decided we should go to the outlet mall about 20 minutes away to play on the huge playground and share a pretzel--which happens to be Ansley's favorite part about any mall.
Well, we had done just a teensy bit of shopping; I had gotten my favorite italian cream soda at Joe Muggs; and we had played on the playground. All that was left was our cinnamon sugar pretzel, which Ansley had waited so patiently for. We sat down to "share" our pretzel, which generally means I get a few bites (remember the pretzel is the reason Ansley goes to the mall with me, in her opinion!) Ian had been sleeping the entire time but was starting to wake up, and I had a small bottle with me, so I decided to go ahead and feed him so we would all have a happy ride home. In the meantime, I would let Ansley enjoy her pretzel. She was getting covered in cinnamon and sugar and although I only had a few wet wipes left, I was letting her use them because I didn't plan on changing Ian's diaper until we got home.
While he was eating, I snapped this picture of Ansley.

I was just starting to update my facebook status with this picture, when I felt something warm and wet all over my lap. I put my phone down, lifted Ian up, and sure enough, pee was pouring down his legs all over me. I held him out off of me and the pee continued to pour out onto the floor. I just stood there thinking what in the world am I going to do???
When I finally snapped out of my shock, I called Jeremy to tell him what just happened (he laughed), did the best I could to clean things up, and gathered all my stuff and kids and we made our way to the nearest restroom. When I got there I snapped this picture of my pants:

Of course I texted it to Jeremy, whose response was "I don't think it could look more like you pee'd your own pants, even if you had!" Nice. I then proceeded to clean Ian up with my 2 wipes that I had left. Did I mention he was covered in poop too? No, I think I left that part out. At least I wasn't covered in it! During this time, Ansley continued enjoying her pretzel--

--in the mall bathroom.
I finally got Ian cleaned up, tried to dry my pants with the hand dryer, and snapped this picture of my happy baby boy finally getting to enjoy his bottle. What a morning!

By the way, as I was typing this, it just hit me that I had put some wet wipe packages from a restaurant in a side pocket of my diaper bag a few weeks ago. I'm so glad I remembered that now!