Tuesday, January 25, 2011

On Being a Mother of Three

Just this weekend I was being asked how it was going being a mother of three. I gave an honest answer that it hadn't really been too bad so far, and that I think it will be pretty easy until Ian becomes mobile.


That was before Sunday night! I'm taking back those words and will never say such things again because those words have come back to haunt me. Sunday night between Ansley throwing up, Kennedy coughing, and Ian just plain wanting to hang out instead of sleep, I was exhausted! I was trying to do it all myself because we just bought a health club membership this weekend, and Jeremy had decided to go work out at 5:30 in the morning on Monday for his very first workout. I certainly did not want to make him miss that. However, he did, because around 3:30 am I realized I couldn't do it all by myself.

To add to the misery, I had a horrible headache, sore throat and was feeling a bit nauseous myself. Fortunately, Jeremy was able to stay home yesterday to help take care of everyone. Last night Kennedy began complaining about a sore throat, for which she had already missed school last week when she had one with a fever. This morning she had no fever, and although she told me she thought she should stay home, I sent her to school. I get the bad mom award though, and at 10:00 I received a phone call that she had a fever and I needed to come get her. Luckily, I had just showered and changed Ansley out of her pajamas. Unfortunately, Ian was ready to eat. So I took a screaming baby, feverish toddler whose hair hasn't been combed in two days, and myself up to the school and to pick up Kennedy.

In a few minutes, we will be leaving for the doctor. Is anyone else ready for spring???

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