Two daughters. Same parents. Couldn't be more different at times.
When Kennedy was around 3, she wanted to try chewing gum. I sat her down and explained that we don't swallow gum, we just chew it and then when we are done we throw it away. I may have evoked a bit of fear into her by explaining gum was not good for our bellies.
Kennedy is my rule follower and play-it-safe-stickler. Actually, Kennedy is my mini-me. She is pretty much exactly like I was as a kid--except for her occasional sassiness--which I never had (right mom? especially not through ages 10-17!)
When I explained how gum worked, she listened. She followed instructions. And when she was tired of the gum, which the first time happened to be within 2 minutes, she threw it away. She never had any gum chewing problems, probably due to the fear the gum would harm her body if she swallowed it.
That brings us to today. Ansley was having a minor constipation issue, and I may have bribed her to go potty with the reward of getting to try gum. She has never really had any interest in gum, but suddenly her eyes widened and she promptly did what she needed to do.
I had the same discussion with Ansley that I had with Kennedy a few years back. I had her repeat to me the instructions, specifically the part about when we are done chewing, we throw the gum away.
I gave her the gum. She chewed, and smiled a lot. I kept reminding her that we don't swallow gum. For about 3 minutes she chewed. Then she very matter-of-factly smiled and said "I just ate the gum Mom."
Sure enough, she had swallowed it, and she wasn't the least bit ashamed. Thank you Jeremy, I'm thinking she's exactly like you!

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