Monday, October 4, 2010

Conversation of the Night

Here's a glimpse of how silly our little Ansley is. This conversation took place tonight before bedtime: (Keep in mind Jeremy is standing within arms reach of Ansley during this entire conversation)

Jeremy: "Ansley get in bed."
Ansley: "What did you say Daddy?"
Jeremy: "I said, Ansley get in bed!"
Ansley: "What did you say Daddy?"
Jeremy: "Ansley get in bed!"
Ansley: "What did you say???"
Jeremy: "Ansley! I said get in bed!"
Ansley: "Oh!!!! You did say that, didn't you?" (and finally she climbs into bed with a big grin on her face)


Anonymous said...

What a face! Too cute.Love those sweet cheeks. Nana

Mindy said...

too cute! love the fam Laura!