Something else has happened to Kennedy since school started. The first week or two was not real pleasant for us once she got home. She was ornery, sassy, and cried at the drop of a hat. But since we have gotten more into a routine, things are going much better. I'm sure our 7:30pm bedtime doesn't hurt either. She has been super polite lately, using manners whenever she can, she asks if she can help do dishes/dust/sweep/etc., and she hasn't complained about my cooking in weeks! I don't know what's gotten into her, but we definitely like the changes we are seeing. Hopefully they'll last!
Last, I will leave you with a funny story. Every Monday at school each child can share something they did over the weekend, and apparently they draw pictures about it too. With this past weekend being Labor Day, we had a fun-filled weekend with Betsy and Chad in town. We went to the Cardinals game, had a cook-out, and went to Six Flags. When I asked her what she shared with the class she said: "I told them we sat at home and watched TV all weekend." I was flabbergasted and asked her why she said that instead of share some of the things we really did. Her response: "What? I don't know how to draw all those other things!"
My silly, silly girl!
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