At the beginning of the school year Kennedy would pop right up when it was time to get ready to go to preschool. As it gets closer to the end of the year, she isn't popping up quite so fast. Jeremy usually wakes her up while I hop in the shower. He gets her moving to make her bed and get dressed and by the time she's done that, I'm usually out of the shower and ready to fix her hair. Today, which ironically enough was not a preschool day, she brought this sign to me and asked me how to spell "Don't wake me up Daddy." I said, "You don't like Daddy waking you up?" and her reply was "NO! It makes me grumpy!" I can't wait for her teenage years.
Do you think Jeremy and I could get away with a sign like that on our door. Maybe "Don't wake us up until at least 8:00" Somehow I don't think that would work. What a double standard! :)
Sounds just like Emmersen! Wow!! Definitely dreading the teenage years! Going to be quite interesting with two girls! Congrats again on expecting #3. We're thinking about going that route but not sure yet. What will be the age difference between Ansley and baby?
Thanks Morgan! Ansley was born in Feb. 08, and this baby is due in mid-Dec., so they will be just under 3 years apart.
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