Neither of my girls liked pacifiers. However, when Ansley was 5 months old, I realized I could get her to sleep through the night if I let her hold on to her burp cloth. Actually, "hold on to" is not exactly correct, it was more of if I let her put a corner of the burp cloth in her mouth and chew or suck on it, she would sleep through the night. Out of the need for sleep one night I let her have it in her crib, and it was a necessity for her there on out.
Since she was 5 months old, we have gone through our share of burp cloths. She wanted one anytime she napped, when she went to bed at night, or when she was upset or scared. When she wasn't sleeping she carried one with her wherever she went. They stunk (although I did wash them!), were always wet from her mouth, and just plain nasty. In fact, she did not like when we would give her a fresh, clean one. She would turn it from corner to corner trying to find a wet spot to put in her mouth, and would get mad, but when she realized it was the only one she was getting, she'd settle for it. We finally got to a point that we didn't have to take it everywhere we went, but she still wanted it to sleep. If she would wake up in the middle of the night and couldn't find her "burpie," as she so lovingly called it, she would cry and cry until one of us would go find it for her. My goal was to take it away completely by the time she was two, but I just couldn't do it. I value my sleep too much I guess. Well, lucky for me, a few nights ago after putting her in her crib, she took the burpie, threw it out and said "no more burpie!" So now it's been a few days and we have been completely burpie-less! Now if only potty-training was that easy...

Adorable! What a great collection of "burpie" pictures! What a big girl she has become....and such a cutie-pie! I love both of those girls! Thanks, Laura for doing these updates and pictures. Being a long distance grandma is just so hard. I miss them ALL so much!
Wow Laura! That is sooo sweet of Ansley to save you the trouble of confiscation and the side-effects. She really is a doll. xoxox
I agree with Grandma. I hate being so far from those sweet girls. I love them sooooooooo much. They are both getting so big. Love, Nana
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