At the end of my last post, I mentioned Miss Ansley was throwing up. She continued...all night long. Yuck. Friday morning around 6 was the last time she threw up. We tried to make her rest all day Friday, but by Saturday she was back to her perky self. We went ahead and got our babysitter and Jeremy and I went to the movies. Avatar was great by the way. Yesterday, we went to church and then to a carnival at a friend's church. Again, Ansley was as happy as could be and you never would've known she'd been sick. Last night we hosted a mystery dinner with some people from church, and again, Ansley was dancing around being silly.
This morning, she woke up with a scowl on her face and Jeremy thought she seemed shaky. He got her a bottle of milk and she guzzled it. He was commenting on how she must've just been really hungry, when all of the sudden, that entire bottle of milk came back up. She has a low grade fever too. Poor baby.
So today is Movie Day at the Picker house. I have made a big pallet of blankets on the floor and the girls have positioned themselves there for a movie marathon. We currently introducing Ansley to Peter Pan, which was one of Kennedy's favorite movies when she was Ansley's age. Ansley recently asked for some soup, so we set up a tray and she is eating her Dora Chicken Noodle soup while Kennedy eats her sandwich.
Let me also take this time to apologize to anyone we may have spent time with this weekend thinking that she was no longer sick. We abided by the 24 hour rule, and really thought she was fine. I don't know if this is a new virus, or the other one was just fickle, but I hope we don't get anyone else sick, and I am really, really sorry if we do!
Here's a picture or two of the girls on Movie Day.

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