Wow! It's been since November 30th that I posted! That shows you how busy the month of December was! Between decorating, parties, baking, packing, wrapping, traveling to Omaha and Peoria, having three Christmas's, 15 inches of snow, celebrating our ninth anniversary, unpacking, undecorating, New Year's, and trying to rest a little, we've been crazy busy!
Although we were super busy, we had a great month, and the girls really enjoyed and got into Christmas this year. They got tons of great toys and have had lots of fun playing with them. They also helped me go through their old toys and decide which ones they could part with and give away. Then we reorganized their rooms and the basement to find places for everything. That was a task!
Kennedy went back to school this morning and Ansley and I are enjoying our quiet time together. We are getting ready to go out to get Miss Ansley a haircut. The poor child has had a mullet for quite some time and in honor of her almost turning two, I am going to get someone to attempt to fix it. We'll see what happens.
That's right, Ansley is almost two! It's so hard to believe! I've got to figure out the details to her birthday party here soon. Unfortunately, someone else around here has to celebrate her birthday next week, and it's the first birthday I am not real excited about. There's something about having a 2 as the first number in my age that I like so much better than a 3. I think it's because I can remember my parents and their friends in their 30's, and it makes me feel a little old. (Sorry Mom!)
I'll leave you with a couple of pictures for the day. The first is a picture of the girls sitting around their new table from Grandma and Grandpa Cordry, eating their breakfast. Notice we had company at the table as well. The second picture is Ansley's hair, this morning. Cute, isn't it?

Thank you for the update. It is nice to know that you all made it through the holidays safely. Happy New Year!
welcome back!
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