I realize the lighting in this picture is pretty poor, but I thought it was just too cute. Ansley is pretending to be me. I have been entranced in a great book called
The Help and I'm afraid my girls may have watched a little extra TV today, so that I could finish it. I just couldn't put it down. Judge me if you will...until you go read it for yourself, then you'll understand! As I was cooking dinner tonight (see I did do something else today, although Jeremy graciously helped me) I heard Ansley say "I read mommy's book" and this is what she was doing. How cute is that?
However, what wasn't cute is what happened as we were finishing dinner. The past couple of days Ansley has not had much of an appetite. After forcing a couple of bites in her mouth, we found out why. Apparently she has had a tummy ache. It didn't take her long to cover herself, the kitchen floor, and the kitchen sink (after Jeremy grabbed her and carried her to it) in vomit. Yuck. Jeremy wins husband of the year award though, as he cleaned EVERYTHING up while I gave her a bath. There are just some things I don't handle real well. Vomit is one of them. I'd rather deal with poop. Seriously.
Ansley and I were supposed to go finish our "diaper study" tomorrow. She got selected to be part of a market research study for size 4 diapers. We have gone for 2 hours on 2 different days this week, and she has had to wear a saline-filled diaper and play with other kids. Tomorrow was supposed to be the last day of it, but now I have had to reschedule to next Tuesday. That means we will have to wait until then for the $240 check they are paying us! Awesome deal huh?
What really stinks though is thinking we'd be getting a $240 check tomorrow, we hired a babysitter for Saturday night so we could go see Avatar. I think we have only hired a babysitter 3 or 4 times since we have lived here (over a year and a half!) not because we don't like to go on dates, but because it is so expensive! By the time Jeremy and I have gone to dinner, a movie, and paid a babysitter, we feel like we can't do it again for another six months! We just don't have extra money in our budget for that very often! We do take advantage when grandparents are in town though and try to go out for a little bit. We understand the importance of us going out by ourselves, we just wish it didn't cost an arm and a leg! Having said that, hopefully Ansley will be better, because we still plan on going on our date. At least we should be getting that nice check on Tuesday!
Kennedy has gone almost a week pull-up free at night! We accidentally forgot to put a pull-up on her one night last week and she woke up the next morning dry as a bone! So we decided to give it a go! The next night however, she ended up in her sleeping bag due to an accident. We have started waking her up before we go to bed, usually around 11 or 12, to take her potty, and this seems to have solved the issue. We are very proud of her!
That's pretty much what's been going on around here. Ansley's big number 2 birthday is coming soon, and we are working on the preparations for that. We are just having a small family party, but it will have a Snow White theme, per Ansley's request. Well, the girls are in bed and we just heard Ansley throwing up again. This could be a long night.