Update: She did it! And in case you were wondering, it was cloudy and rainy.
Almost everyday when I pick Kennedy up from school, one of the first things she tells me is that she didn't get to be the weather watcher at school. Apparently this is the very important job of looking out the window and informing the class what the weather looks like, so the teachers can determine if they will have outside recess. She goes on and on about who got picked, and that they had done it before, and she never gets picked, etc, to the point where I had planned on asking her teachers about it at conferences this coming Monday. Not that I am upset or worried about it, but I just thought I'd ask what the process was for choosing, so that I could explain it to Kennedy. I figured maybe she missed her turn while we were gone on vacation.
Well, Tuesday she got in the car and was telling me all about the day. I asked her if she got to be the weather watcher. Her reply was "Well, they asked me if I wanted to be, but I told them no". I couldn't believe my ears. I asked her why she said no, and she said she just didn't feel like doing it, and maybe she would next time. At this point I am laughing, and can't believe my little girl. I called Jeremy and he started laughing too. What a little booger.
So, Jeremy took her to school this morning and pulled her teacher aside to tell her the funny story. She then asked Kennedy, who was busy playing by this time, if she wanted to be the weather watcher today. Then, Jeremy said Kennedy shot him a look that clearly said "Dad! What did you just tell my teacher???" Kennedy then looked at the teacher and shook her head yes. I am very anxious to find out whether she did it or not! I'll fill you in later!
Can't wait to hear......:) Nana
I'm sure she will be a good weather watcher.
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