I've been in a bit of a blogging funk lately...there just hasn't been much going on that seemed blog-worthy! Kennedy just finished her second week of preschool, and still loves it...especially now that they started doing crafts this week. That is what she was looking forward to most. Her teachers told me she is very shy, and rarely talks, although she did share the things she brought in her "All About Me Bag" with her class, which I wasn't real sure she would do. She doesn't tell us a whole lot about her day, unless we specifically ask, although today she got in the car and told me a boy pooped his pants. I'm so glad she remembered to tell me that one! Ansley and I are enjoying our one-on-one time. I'm not sure what Kennedy thinks that we do while she is gone, but today when I told her that I took Ansley to the library for storytime, she seemed very hurt, got teary-eyed and said "Are you going to take me to storytime for 4 year olds sometime?" I promised I would sometime and then changed the subject. I'm hoping the teariness just came from the fact she got to bed a little late last night, and she's got a bit of a cough/sore throat and I'm not sure she's feeling 100%.
Kennedy has also started asking me to play "school" with her. That's one thing I'm pretty good at! I've been "playing school" probably since I was about 5! She has a small chalkboard/easel that we use, but soon enough I'll have to bring out the five-foot tall chalkboard/easel that my dad made for me one year for Christmas. It got many, many years of use from me, and I am looking forward to my girls using it to play school too! However, I did forget one part of school I do not like--fundraising! In her four days of preschool, she has already come home with two different fundraisers! Are you kidding me??? I wasn't expecting that so soon!
In other news, Ansley has recently begun asking to sit on the potty. She doesn't do anything while she's there but sit and grin at us, but she's showing interest. Not that I am expecting anything from it though this early! With all the trouble with had potty-training Kennedy (mostly thanks to the fact that she had a new baby sister!) I am not quite ready to start that again!
Here are a couple of pictures of the girls having fun with my computer the other day.

I just want you to know that the mental picture of Ansley sitting on the potty with a big goofy grin on her face actually made me laugh out loud.
I can hardly wait to see those sweet little girls. Nana
The doctor told us, when we took Beth Anne for her 18 month appt. To try potty training. If she likes the potty fine. If not, put it away for now. And try again later. And you know, if Ansley is wanting to use the potty. Beth Anne is going to be wanting to try it soon. It seems like if one is doing it. The other one follows. We're thinking that it's time to try. She is showing signs. Keep me updated.
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