Wow! What a fun two weeks it has been! My sister Stacy and her two kiddos Sidney and Caleb flew into St. Louis two weeks ago and the girls and I drove up with them to Peoria. Betsy was also there, and we spent a week at my mom and Dave's house. Then we drove back to St. Louis, and Betsy stayed for a few days, and Stacy and the kids stayed almost another week, until today. We definitely learned that having a 4 year old, an almost 4 year old, an almost 2 year old, and an 18 month old makes for some crazy, loud times! Although Sidney and Kennedy started out the two weeks telling each other they were the other one's most favorite cousin in the whole wide world, I think they were both ready to have a break from each other. Kennedy loves to be bossy, Sidney loves to push Kennedy's buttons, and both like to make each other cry. The two toddlers picked up some bad habits from the older ones...Ansley loves telling people "NO!" now. They also learned that sharing is not fun either. But overall, we had a great time and are looking forward to spending a week at a Dude Ranch with them at the end of September. I never have my camera on me, but I did get some pictures of the kids on my computer.
Yes, my daughter is picking her nose in this picture

The "princesses" enjoying their Leapsters...and getting along at the moment

The two "little" ones--although I'm not sure Caleb qualifies in that category--he weighs only 2/10 of a pound less than than Kennedy and Sidney

Hugging? Or maybe wrestling?

Can you see what Caleb is doing to Ansley in this picture--he is going through a hitting phase right now--fortunately it didn't phase Ansley!

Isn't he cute???

The three girls
Thanks for the update. I was a little concerned. Because you have not blogged in a few weeks. I thought maybe you were out of town or something. It is good to hear from you again. Cute pictures, by the way.
Looks like great times. Happy for you guys.
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