Weight: 22 pounds (25-50th percentile)
Height: 30.5 inches (50th percentile)
Head: 19.75 inches (still off the chart, but finally starting to taper off!)
Some of Ansley's favorite things are Dora, anything sweet to eat, milk, playing with whatever Kennedy does not want her to have, eating crayons, unrolling the toilet paper roll, trying to play in the toilet, climbing on anything and everything (we've had 3 big falls in the past 24 hours! I think she's okay though!), pointing out body parts--especially mommy's belly in public--which requires lifting my shirt (embarrassing!), chewing on her "burpie" as we so lovingly refer to the nasty burp cloths that she won't part with, being independent, music, dancing, going places (doesn't matter where, she gets really excited when we get in the car!), being chased, reading books, and sitting in mommy/daddy's lap. She is so much more a cuddler than Kennedy ever was!
She's still pretty laid back and flexible, sometimes she gets 2 naps a day, sometimes it's only one, it never really affects her one way or the other. However, she is learning to become a little more temperamental, which I think we can thank her sister for. She is learning to throw fits if she doesn't get her way, but they never last very long. She also has the best little puppy dog face and can break into tears at the slightest scolding!
She is talking up a storm, although usually in her own language. She is starting to say a lot of things though. If we ask her to say something, she pretty much tries to say it. Sometimes it sounds right, sometimes it doesn't. Jeremy was downstairs yesterday and I was yelling for him, and she starting yelling his name too. It was pretty funny.
She's going to make her first trip to Nana and Papa's in Omaha next week. We haven't been to their house in a long time, so Jeremy is taking a week off so we can go spend some time there. Kennedy is ecstatic, and I'm sure if Ansley understood, she would be too!
We can't believe she's 15 mos either. She is growing way too fast. What a doll and such a sweetie. We are looking forward to seeing both our girls! Love, Nana
Wonder who she gets the sweet tooth from? They grow up too fast. Thanks for the update. We take Beth Anne next week for her 15month check-up.
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