Monday, September 22, 2008


It's been 6 months since I've had Kennedy's haircut. It wasn't super long, but long enough that she was getting syrup in it everytime she ate pancakes (pretty much daily) and suckers stuck in it, etc. Plus it gets so tangly! I was getting annoyed. However, she is not fond of haircuts. She gets scared and ends up in my lap so that we both leave with hair all over us. So I found a place not to far away called The Hairy Elephant. I guess it's called that because they have this big elephant whose nose is a sprayer that they use to wash hair. She was too scared for that though. So instead they sprayed her hair with a bottle, and then sat her in the racecar chair of her choice. Not only did she get to sit in a car, but she got to pick out a Barbie movie to watch as well. They gave her a swing bob, and it is so cute! Then she got a sticker, a sucker, and a fancy ladybug clip in her hair. It was quite the experience. Fortunately, we are averaging only 1-2 haircuts a year, because my pocketbook can't afford that place too often! It will be a great place for Ansley though whenever she needs her first cut...which doesn't look to be anytime soon! Here's a picture of Kennedy's new do, with her ladybug clip still in.

Here's what Ansley thought about it:


Anonymous said...

What a pretty girl! Love you! Nana

Anonymous said...

What a pretty girl! Love you! Nana

Heidi said...

Kennedy's hair is super cute. And Chelsea has the same army crawl going on. Her favorite thing to crawl to- shoes!

Yesterday we were sitting at a resturant with friends. Their daughter is 1 month older then Chelsea. She ate sweet potato, peas and several crackers. Chelsea refuses food and sat there nibbling on her shoe. Awesome...