Thursday, September 25, 2008

Cardinal Game

Today, I took KJ to her first Cardinal game. It was actually her idea...seriously. I should say that she wanted to go in order to see Fred Bird, not Albert Pujols.

I expected her to last until about the 3rd inning. After the Metro ride, watching a little baseball, and sitting in the sun I just figured that she would be so tired. Well, I was given Field Box seats, and really didn't want to leave too early, so I did my best to coerce her to stay. However, KJ was outstanding. We had a great time. She danced around a little to the music, liked the fireworks from the 2 homeruns, and thought the Metro ride was awesome. She has already asked to go back next season. Here are some pictures from the day.

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Picture time

Hey--this is Jeremy. I wanted to post a few pictures of the girls that I took the other day.

Monday, September 22, 2008


It's been 6 months since I've had Kennedy's haircut. It wasn't super long, but long enough that she was getting syrup in it everytime she ate pancakes (pretty much daily) and suckers stuck in it, etc. Plus it gets so tangly! I was getting annoyed. However, she is not fond of haircuts. She gets scared and ends up in my lap so that we both leave with hair all over us. So I found a place not to far away called The Hairy Elephant. I guess it's called that because they have this big elephant whose nose is a sprayer that they use to wash hair. She was too scared for that though. So instead they sprayed her hair with a bottle, and then sat her in the racecar chair of her choice. Not only did she get to sit in a car, but she got to pick out a Barbie movie to watch as well. They gave her a swing bob, and it is so cute! Then she got a sticker, a sucker, and a fancy ladybug clip in her hair. It was quite the experience. Fortunately, we are averaging only 1-2 haircuts a year, because my pocketbook can't afford that place too often! It will be a great place for Ansley though whenever she needs her first cut...which doesn't look to be anytime soon! Here's a picture of Kennedy's new do, with her ladybug clip still in.

Here's what Ansley thought about it:

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Ansley's Tricks

Here's a video of Ansley and a few of her new favorite things: clapping, and trying to crawl. Notice she goes from sitting to the crawling position, but then when that doesn't work, she gives up and army crawls to what she wants.

This is a video of me trying to teach her "bye-bye", but she's still too interested in clapping. Sorry about the weird glare on her face!

Friday, September 12, 2008

The Past Few Weeks

Just thought I'd update you on what we've been doing the past few weeks. We've been to the Orchard, the Magic House, Searcy, Arkansas for a wedding, and now we are in Peoria for a few days. Here are some pictures from our adventures.
Kennedy and Daddy posing for a picture.
"Gimme more food mom! "
"It's okay cuz. I'll show you the ropes."
Papa, Nana, Ansley and Chelsea (they're 13 days apart)
Ansley and her Great-Grandma Picker
Kennedy at the orchard
At the Magic House, eating pizza while taking my money.
Ringing up the groceries
Crawling through the tunnels
The Picker Clan

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Temper Tantrum

The picture is misleading...the temper tantrum that was done was not performed by this little angel. But rather, it was by this one. . .
. . .who is obviously tuckered out from all of her ranting and raving at Target.

Today I took the girls to Target, along with my cousin Whitney. I needed a couple of odds and ends, and decided that we could get Kennedy a High School Musical shirt to wear to the High School Musical 2 play that we are going to this weekend. Before we got to the shirts though, we decided to browse the Halloween costumes. Kennedy has been saying she wants to be a cow for Halloween, although I have no idea where she came up with that. Most recently she changed her mind and said she would rather be Princess Jasmine. However, in the Halloween aisle, she saw The Little Mermaid, Cinderella, Snow White, Sleeping Beauty and even Tinkerbell. She immediately wanted to be all of those things. Her favorite though was Tinkerbell. Well these costumes were $30, and I am not prepared to spend that much on a costume. Although I do realize it will be worn much more than just Halloween (she wears a princess costume daily), I thought it was still a little early, and we may find something cheaper. Then I saw a Target brand "fairy" costume that was basically exactly like the Tinkerbell costume, but without the picture of Tink herself on it, for only $9.99. They didn't have a green one in her size though, so I told her we would wait until we could find her size. This began the worst temper tantrum I have ever seen her perform in public. I was so embarrassed! She was screaming and crying, telling me over and over that she NEEDED a costume. It was horrible! So I drug her out of there, and also informed her she was no longer getting a HSM shirt either...which of course led to more crying! Fortunately a kind Target worker opened her lane just for me so I could pay for the few necessities I needed and get outta there...which every person in Target was probably thankful for. She has wanted things before when we have shopped, but usually I explain why we can't get it and she's okay...but not today. I thought I didn't have one of "those" kids! Any wise advice or tips on how to handle these outbursts? I'm hoping this is the first and the last!

I forgot to mention a big thanks to my mother-in-law and father-in-law for the computer! They hooked me up with Cassidi's mac that she doesn't use anymore! So thanks to Cassidi too!

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Maybe...just maybe?

Well, I'm on my old computer right now...I tried to start it back up again and it worked! Then it quit. Then it worked. Then it quit. But right now it's working...for the longest it has been since the "accident". So that's my good news for the day! I'll leave you with a couple of somewhat fuzzy, but cute pictures of Ansley.

She really loves her tongue...and showing it to everyone!

Monday, September 1, 2008

Uh oh!

We had a little accident in the Picker household late last week. Not a potty accident...I wish it were only that. No, a very bad accident. It was not pretty. Let me explain. We have two laptop computers. Why two? Do we really need both of them? Well, no, probably not. But it sure is nice and convenient. When Jeremy started his new job, the church bought him a new one for work, so I got his old one. Of course it's not too terribly old, because his old one got accidentally knocked off the couch onto the hardwood floor about a year and a half ago by the little angel pictured above. Did she know better? Not really, she wasn't even two yet. Did we know better than to leave our $1200 Macbook on the couch? Absolutely...but for some reason, there it was. Did we learn our lesson? Apparently not. Last week, "my" Macbook was on the couch...
That's when the accident occurred. Did I put it there? Probably, but Jeremy and I are both guilty as charged. You can typically find one of our computers on the couch, or the ottoman, and sometimes even the floor...we're risky. Too risky. Kennedy had a full water bottle and spilled it--all over the computer. It's no longer working. I'm very sad. While I know we don't need two computers, it sure was nice to be able to check my email, facebook and update the blog whenever I got the chance...but alas, now I will have to wait until Jeremy is home from work everyday. I was spoiled and it makes me sick to my stomach that I didn't learn my lesson the first time, and made another $1200 mistake! So Jeremy's laptop will never again be left anywhere in reach of children in the living room. It now rests up on the counter next to the old one that is "drying out" in hopes maybe it will come back to life.