Sunday, April 8, 2012

Easter 2012

We had a great Easter weekend! My mom and Dave came down for the weekend, which ended up being a HUGE help. We had a very large Easter Egg Hunt at church yesterday (over 600 people attended!) that Jeremy was partially in charge of, and I don't think the kids and I would've had a very fun time without the help from them! Ian loved finding eggs, as did Kennedy. As for Ansley, she acted like she was pretty unsure of what she was supposed to do, but finally got the hang of it. Kennedy even scored a golden coin, earning her a new Barbie doll! What fun!

We had a wonderful church service today, where again, my mom and Dave were a huge help with the kids! Afterwards, we had a yummy soup/salad lunch at Olive Garden and then came home and played outside the rest of the day. Well, actually Jeremy and the kids played outside while I cleaned up the house. We're ready to start another week with clean clothes, a clean house, and our bellies full of candy!

I'm looking forward to next weekend! My birthday present this year was a trip to Kansas City this coming weekend with both of my sisters and a few friends to a Beth Moore Conference. We are staying in a hotel, going to Beth Moore, shopping, and hanging out! I can't wait! Jeremy will have the kids all to himself this weekend--which the girls are super excited about! I'm halfway surprised he hasn't called in his mom to come help. :)

I hope everyone had a wonderful Easter! Only 6 weeks of school left, and between now and then we have a trip to Atlanta planned, and Jeremy and I have a trip (without kids!) to Aspen in May! Before we know it, summer will be here!

1 comment:

Davies Family said...

Cute pictures...I especially LOVE the one of your whole fam!