I cannot believe Kennedy is in Kindergarten! Where does the time go??? She was as happy as could be this morning as we left her in her class. In fact, Jeremy asked her if she was ready for us to leave and she very certainly said "Yes!" Then I lost it as I hugged her one last time and she looked at me like I was crazy. I was trying to hold it together, but I just couldn't do it! She only knows one little girl in class, and I'm hoping she knows a lot more by the end of the day! She has been praying each night that she won't be so shy and that she won't cry at school, so I hope God answers her prayers! She also decided she wants to ride the bus home (shocked me!), so Ansley and I will be anxiously awaiting her arrival around 3:30! Here's a look at Kennedy's first day of preschool last year.
I had planned on Ansley and I just staying home and relaxing today, but the hours were just dragging by. I kept looking and the clock wondering how Kennedy was doing, so I asked Ansley if she wanted to go somewhere. She said "I go get a haircut!" (we had been talking about doing that sometime soon) So we loaded up and headed over to Great Clips and got about 4 inches of her hair cut off! It is now almost all one length, and is in a cute bob, and she looks so grown up. She wouldn't stand still for me long enough to get a great picture, but I did my best.
So I just put Ansley down for a nap, and I think I am going to take one myself. I'm pretty sure I was up at least once every hour last night anxious for Kennedy's first day. . . but at least she slept great! Here's some before and after pictures of Ansley's hair.