Tuesday, June 29, 2010
Potty Training

Tuesday, June 22, 2010
Date Night
Sunday, June 13, 2010
Saturday, June 12, 2010
Princess Tiana and More
She was showing off a new shirt to her Grandma and told her we got it on sale. My mom asked her what "on sale" means, and her reply was "That we buy it!"
Ansley, on the other hand, is showing us quite an imagination. She spent an ENTIRE day pretending to be her cousin Caleb. She referred to Kennedy as Sidney (my niece), me as Stacy (my sister), and Jeremy as Brett (our brother-in-law). She would not step out of character either. If we would accidentally call her Ansley she would get mad and say "I not Ansley, I Caleb!" At one point, Jeremy said "C'mon girls, it's time to go!" and her reply was "I not a girl! I a boy and my name is Caleb!" It was quite humorous, and a bit embarrassing as we walked around the library with her saying "I Caleb. Stacy, wait up!" She is funny.
Friday, June 11, 2010
One Thursday Evening...
However, last night, we were at the mall with Jeremy's mom and sister and when I mentioned the idea of her getting them pierced both Nana and Cassidi cheered her on. She decided she was ready and ended up going through with it, after watching another 5 year old girl get hers done. Then when she finished, Aunt Cassidi got hers double-pierced. Kennedy definitely flinched when getting them done (one at a time!) and had a look on her face when they finished like "why on earth did I want to do this?" But once the lady handed her the mirror and she saw the finished product, a smile from ear to ear was on her face and didn't leave for the rest of the night. Any time she would walk by a mirror, she would take a glance, quite proud of herself. Nana even bought her a new car for her Zhu Zhu pet for being so brave, and I let her pick out some new earrings. Ansley really wanted her ears pierced too, but we decided to wait on that one! Here are some pictures from our adventure.