So it's true, we're expecting! We were going to wait a little longer to share the news, but had such a crazy weekend that our secret got out. We've known for a while that I was pregnant, but we've already had a lot of issues and were keeping it to ourselves for a while. First, the doctor thought it was an ectopic pregnancy, but fortunately it wasn't. Then this weekend I woke up on Saturday to lots and lots of blood. We called the doctor who told us I was most likely miscarrying, and just to take it easy and wait for everything to pass. He said to call his office on Monday morning to see where to go from there. By Monday, the bleeding had pretty much stopped and I had never had any cramps or anything, so he had me come in to get things checked out.
By this time, we had already been dealing with the fact that I was miscarrying and were quite upset. Not only did I have all of the bleeding, but I also felt like I lost my pregnancy symptoms-mainly the nauseas feeling that had been accompanying me. We were expecting to go in and find out whether we needed a D & C or not. God is amazing however, and the ultrasound tech surprised us both by telling us we still had a healthy baby with a strong heartbeat! It looks like I maybe had a blood clot that was causing the bleeding. So I am about 8 weeks along, and due on December 17th. We're praying I have this baby early, as we did with both girls, since Jeremy's sister's wedding is on December 18th!
Obviously, it's still early and anything could happen, but we are very excited and since our whole church knew the news, we decided to go ahead and tell the girls. As you can see, they are thrilled, although I don't know how Ansley feels about giving up her crib. :)
Back in full force is my nauseousness, and to make matters worse, Kennedy threw up yesterday too. This morning she said her tummy still hurt, so I let her stay home from school, although I think she may be faking it a bit. She's been asking for cookies and chocolate milk, and I am depriving her of it so she doesn't feel even more sick. ;) On top of it all, I have a horrible sinus headache I can't seem to kick. I've had it since Sunday, and can't take my trusty Zyrtec-D anymore! I did go out and purchase a neti-pot, which actually has provided some relief, but now my ears feel a little weird.
So we are just getting by today. I blew up our air mattress in the living room and the girls have had a fun time watching videos and eating lunch "in bed." They think it's pretty special, and I get to lay on the couch and try to get my nauseousness to pass!