Well, I think I'm getting the hang of blogging, but Jeremy still hasn't told me how to link the pics to our picasa website, so right now you can't click on the pictures to get more. I'll learn someday though. Today we had Ansley's 2 month appointment. We knew

she had some cheeks on her, but the girl is 13 pounds! She is 24 inches long and her head (thanks to Daddy) is in the 98th percentile for size! My sister Stacy reminded me though that her sister Kennedy was 14 pounds at two months. (Thanks Stacy for remembering--although I feel a bit like a bad mom that her aunt knew that information and her own mom didn't :) So she's a big girl, but not quite as big as her sister was at that age. Here's a picture of her from Sunday before church.
She had to get shots today, but she had her big sister giving her pep talks the whole way there: "Ansley, Dr. Neese is very nice. He won't hurt you. He won't break you. I will be there with you to take care of you." However, when time came for the shots, Kennedy lost it. She did not like watching her sister go through that. Of course, neither does mommy. She's a very good big sister though. Here's a picture of them in their matching outfits.

Also, I promised pictures from our visit with the Davies. So here are a few of those as well. Sidney and Kennedy had the best time together. It's so fun having cousins the same age. And Caleb, although he is only 3 months older than Ansley looks like he could eat her. He's one big boy. But I think she could catch up someday! Unfortunately, I can't find any cute pictures of the older girls together, but I'm sure we have some we can post later!