Tuesday, August 30, 2011

He Made a Liar Outta Me!

Pretty much as soon as I published my last post, Ian decided to make a liar out of me! How dare I publish on the world wide web that my 9-month old son does not know how to crawl???

Well he showed me! (Please excuse my annoying voice on the video, I was just so excited!)

We now have a crawler on our hands folks!

9 Months

My sweet thumb-sucking boy is 9 months old! We had his check-up today, which was not pleasant at all due to a missed nap (sorry Dr. John!) He was fussy and just not himself. In fact I was so flustered by his crying while trying to get us packed up to go home that I forgot to grab the paper that had his stats on it. I think I remember them though for the most part:
Weight: 19 lbs. 14 oz. (25-50th percentile)
Height: 29 inches (90th percentile)
Head: Greater than the 97th percentile

So as you can see, he is becoming a long, lean little boy! He may not be the little chunk we always thought he would be after all. In fact he's only a few ounces heavier than Ansley was at 9 months--and we all know she's a little pipsqueak! He is longer than both girls were at this age though.

He's a great baby, usually very happy, and sleeps wonderfully! He sleeps around 12 hours at night and then naps usually twice during the day for 2-3 hours each. In fact, he took a nap through his baby dedication at church on Sunday! :) He says "da-da," "ma-ma" on occasion, and tries to say "all done" while he signs the motion for it. He weaned himself last week, and has quickly learned the word "ba-ba" for bottle!

He can go from sitting to the crawling position and from the crawling position to the sitting position, but he still hasn't crawled yet. He scoots around on his belly and rolls everywhere else, getting him pretty much to wherever he wants to be! He pulls up to his knees, but not to his feet yet.

He LOVES his big sisters, eating (anything he can!), and playing peek-a-boo. Praise Baby videos can make him stop crying in a heartbeat. He still loves his jump-a-roo, but is growing less and less fond of his exersaucer now that he is becoming more mobile. Overall, he is a perfect third baby! We love him so much!

In other news, first grade is going well for Kennedy. She got to "hold" the class pet--Lucille the Gecko--which we later found out meant she actually just petted Lucille's tail, but she is hoping to become brave enough to hold her some day. Ansley is enjoying her time at home, and still claims she doesn't miss her big sister at all while she's away. Jeremy has just begun the process of moving from the Youth Minister at our church to the position of Children/Family Minister. We are very excited about his new job and the fact that we will see much more of him on weekends and especially in the summer! We will miss the relationships that we were able to form with the teenagers at our church but are excited about working together as a couple/family in the ministry. We are very thankful for this transition and think it will be great for our family. That's about all for now!

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

First Day of First Grade!

How time flies! We now have a first grader on our hands...a very excited first grader to say the least! Kennedy woke up at 6:15 today as happy as could be! She had her first day of school outfit all picked out and ready to go (which she thought was super cool) and we quickly got ready and headed out the door to a special first day of school breakfast...at Steak 'n Shake. After her eggs and toast, we went up to school where she led the way to her classroom, found her seat, and we said our good-byes. That was it! She still gave us all hugs and kisses goodbye though--she's not too cool for that yet!

On our way to the car Ansley asked Jeremy if he was staying home today. When he replied, "no", Ansley's response was "Oh, I will miss you. But I won't miss KK (Kennedy)!" I think Ansley is ready to rule the house again! I'm looking forward to 3:30 to hear how Kennedy's first day was!

Sunday, August 14, 2011


Recently my girls have said some pretty funny things. The other night we had a conversation like this:
Jeremy: I'm ready for dinner.
Kennedy: Me too!
Ansley: Me too.....Actually.....me three!

Friday night we went over to the home of one of Jeremy's coworker's. Kennedy needed to use the restroom so I took her. As she was finishing her business, she exclaimed "This is NOT toilet paper! It must be Angel Soft!". I said "Where have you heard of Angel Soft?" Her reply: "I saw a commercial on tv an it is even softer than regular toilet paper so this has got to be it!"

Sunday, August 7, 2011

My Pride and Joy

This little girl starts first grade next week. Where has the time gone? She is so excited and is anxiously awaiting the arrival of the special piece of mail that tells her who her teacher will be. The other day she said "Mom, I bet you'll be glad when I go back to school so you don't keep hearing me say 'I'm bored. What can we do?'" She's a pretty smart little girl. I do feel a little bad though, because between Ian's 2-3 naps a day, it has been hard to go do a lot of things. There have been days we've ventured out places and just hoped that Ian slept some along the way, but it probably hasn't been the most exciting summer for her. However, she did get to visit both sets of grandparents, attend VBS, go the the Magic House, go to the Science Center, go to the zoo, go to Six Flags, and swim...a lot. I'd say it wasn't too bad!

As for this little girl, I think she may be ready for her big sis to head back to school! We've had lots of fighting the past few weeks, and I think big sister cramps her style. Although she is certainly old enough for pre-school, we are going to wait and just send her for one year--next year--before Kindergarten. I do plan on doing some learning activities with her each day though. She loves to try to write her letters, but really doesn't know very many, so I think we'll start there! She's still obsessed with shoes, and just yesterday I went through some of Kennedy's old things and got out all the size 9 shoes we have. Ansley tried on each and every pair throughout the day and was so excited about them! Today she was telling me which shoes looked good with dresses and which ones didn't. She's hilarious.

This little man is growing like a weed! He's trying his hardest to figure out crawling, but still has not mastered that skill. He has 2 teeth on bottom and 4 teeth on top! Today he did his first sign language--for "all done"-- and he clapped for the first time! Big day for him! He is such a wonderful baby! He is so content and happy most of the time. For naps, I just put him in his crib, turn on his mobile, kiss his cheek, tell him good-night, and let him be, and he goes to sleep. He absolutely adores his sisters, and they get more giggles out of him than Jeremy and I can! Some of his favorite things are his jumper that we hang from the doorway, and Praise Baby videos. He also loves all types of baby food! I'm so thankful for all 3 of my kids!