Friday, April 1, 2011

Chunky Monkey

Here's my little chunky monkey and his current (4 mos.) stats!
Weight: 17 lbs. 1.8 oz (90th percentile)
Length: 27" (97th percentile)
Head: 17 3/4" (97th percentile)
Ian is doing great! He's working on rolling over these days, but his big belly just won't let him accomplish his goal quite yet. He's still trying to figure it out and gets very mad when working on it! I think he's working on some teeth, judging by the drooling, fingers in the mouth, and fussiness. He's rarely fussy, so I know something is going on! We also changed his acid reflux medicine to something a little stronger to hopefully help with his large amounts of spit-up. Overall, we love him to pieces and I think we're gonna keep him and his chubby thighs! :)

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