Yesterday, I was holding my baby boy in my arms for the first time. Then, I blinked, and today he is running all over my house! I can't believe my little man is one! What a joy he is for our family! Here are some things about Ian:
Weight: 22 lb.s 4 oz. (25-50%)
Length: 31 inches (75-90%)
Head: Huge
Ian loves to play with anything that has wheels, and balls. "Ball" is probably his favorite word, followed closely by "Dada," or sometimes even "Daddy." He also says mama, bus, bath, duck, turtle, Bible, eat, all done, hi, bye-bye, up, this, that, and he often walks around saying "apple," but I don't think he knows what that means.
He still loves Praise Baby dvds, but also is showing a liking for Backyardigans, which Ansley likes to watch. He loves music and dancing, so that show is right up his alley! He still takes at least one good nap a day, sometimes two, and sleeps through the night. He loves to eat, and would snack all day if I let him. Peas are one of his favorite things! (Yuck!!!)
Ian loves to watch Kennedy get off the school bus each day, and loves to play with toys. I can set him in the living room (where a lot of his toys are) and he will play and entertain himself for a long time. He loves to try and dart up the stairs if we forget to put the gate up, and also had a little incident a few weeks ago where he fell down the stairs. Luckily, he was okay!
He is very mild-mannered and laid back, although just recently we are starting to see a side of him that we hadn't previously seen. He is walking, and very mobile, and has decided that when he wants down, he wants down! Trying to keep him still at the doctor's office today for his well-baby check-up was a lot of fun...4 shots was a lot of fun too. :( We've also learned recently that he does not like for things to be taken away from him, this makes him a very upset little boy. He'll learn.
He's mostly happy, doesn't know a stranger, (although he sometimes pretends to be bashful), and still has his father's disposition. He LOVES his sisters and can make them laugh quite easily--which he just eats right up! I think he may be a little comedian!
We love our baby boy and are so thankful that God blessed us with him!