Jeremy is away for almost 2 weeks on a mission trip with his new youth group. Rather than stay home by myself in a place that I don't really know my way around so well, I decided to pack up the girls and go visit Betsy at her new home in Bentonville, Arkansas. The trip here was pretty painless--Ansley slept almost all of it, and when Kennedy's DVD player ran out of juice, she was entertained by listening to her High School Musical soundtracks on my ipod. However, I am a little worried about the trip home since my ipod went wacky and I lost everything on it! We are having a great time and will be heading home on Thursday. Even though Betsy doesn't have any toys for Kennedy to play with, she is getting creative and finding things to keep her occupied:

Betsy also has a pool at her apartments, so we have spent some time there as well. I bought Kennedy this $2 float at Walmart, and she has been playing with it around the apartment as well:

Poor Ansley has been running a fever since Saturday. I don't know if it's due to teething or if she's had some sort of virus. I think the fever finally broke today. However, you would never know the poor kid didn't feel good, she was still just as happy as could be...until it was time for bed...we've had some rough nights to say the least. Here's some pictures of her (and Kennedy):

One highlight of my trip was getting to see my old roommate and great friend Ashley from college yesterday! She just had her second child 3 weeks ago, so we went to visit her. She also has a little boy around Kennedy's age. She only lives like 15 minutes from Betsy. We hadn't seen each other since her wedding 6 years ago! She took some pictures she is going to email me, so I'll post those later.
I'll leave with with a couple more pictures. Pray for us as we venture home on Thursday!