We discovered Ansley has a new love. Her binky. She used to act like it gagged her when we would try to stick it in her mouth. However, she is constantly chewing on her hand, or my hand, or her burp cloth, or a blanket--basically whatever she can get in her mouth. So Wednesday night at church she was going to town on Betsy's hand and Betsy asked if I had a pacifier or something else we could put in her mouth. I dug deep down into the depths of my diaper bag and found a binky that I probably stuck in there right after Ansley was born. Since she's my second child I just wiped it off a little and stuck it in her mouth. That was it. She's been attached to it since. If it falls out she freaks out. Yesterday she sat in my mom's lap for about 45 minutes completely still just sucking away on it. I know it may come back to bite me when she's almost four years old and still not wanting to give it up (apparently that was me when I was a child), but right now, I am loving it! I may actually be able to sit through a church service without having to take a lively baby out this week!
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