Well, we've been in St. Louis for 4 days now. Things are coming along well. We had lots of great help, especially from my mom, Dave, my grandma, and Betsy. They helped us get SO much done! The main floor of our house looks like we've lived here for months. We still have Kennedy's bedroom to paint (she is insisting on pink), and we haven't decorated the walls of our bedrooms or basement yet. Poor Ansley has had a bad cold and has been pretty miserable, and Kennedy is really wanting us to play with her, but we've been trying to explain we have to get things done before Daddy starts work on Tuesday. We've also made about a million trips to Walmart/Target/Lowe's, and I think we have plans to go again today. There are so many little things we have to get, and we inevitably forget something everytime. We'll take pictures of things soon and try to get them posted, but I'll leave you with this for now.