May has been a busy month! With all of the end of the year school activities, and Jeremy gearing up for summer, it has been crazy! Jeremy's dream did come true a few weeks ago when he won tickets to a Cardinals game, complete with field passes. It was Ian's very first baseball game (something Jeremy has been waiting for ever since he found out we were having a boy!) Not only that, but he got Mark McGwire's autograph, as well as a picture of him with the girls. He was in heaven!

Ian is still growing like a weed. He is now 6 months old! We visit the doctor later this week, so I'll have to post stats later. He is a chunky monkey though! He babbles up a storm and smiles at everyone. Besides looking exactly like his daddy, he seems to have his friendly, outgoing personality too!
Ansley is my little sweetie! I don't want to brag, but this girl is seriously a dream child! We rarely have to get on to her for anything, and if we do, she is so sensitive it breaks my heart! She doesn't ever do something wrong twice though, because she does not like to get in trouble! She is so hilarious, and loves to make us laugh. She has quite the sense of humor for a 3 year old!

Kennedy is at her last full day of school today! My how that child has changed! She went from being a shy, scared, nervous 5- year old, with a mouth full of baby teeth, not able to read a thing, and lacking in confidence; to a week away from being 6, spunky, outgoing, confident, happy-go-lucky girl with 2 permanent teeth! She is reading at around a 2nd grade level and received a blue ribbon in math facts scholars, for being able to complete addition and subtraction problems. She LOVES school and is not looking forward to summer because she truly wants to be in school! Crazy girl. Last fall on one of her first days of school when I dropped her off, she cried the whole way in. Last week, I took her to school one day, and she walked in by herself acting like she owned the place! Here's a picture from her first day of school, and a picture from today.

As for me, I'm gearing up for a summer with all three kiddos. I don't know what we're going to do each day to keep Kennedy entertained. She thinks we are so boring these days. Hopefully I'll come up with enough fun things to do to stay busy and keep her and Ansley from fighting so much! That's about all!