The girls and I spent almost 2 weeks in San Antonio with my sister and her family while Jeremy went and hiked a mountain in Colorado. We had a lot of fun, but I didn't take my camera, so you'll just have trust me on that. Kennedy and Ansley loved being able to spend lots and lots of time with their cousins...although they all had their fair share of fighting too!
From Texas we made an almost 12 hour journey with Stacy and Brett and the kids to Rogers, Arkansas for our baby sister's wedding. Ansley threw up twice within the first two hours of the trip, but the rest was pretty easy-going.
Betsy's wedding was beautiful and we are so happy to have Chad in the family! Below are a few pictures from the weekend, which I stole from others, and I'm not sure why they are all weird sizes.
We got home on Sunday, unpacked, did laundry, grocery shopped, and then I had a doctor's appointment early Monday morning. Everything looks good with the baby and they confirmed it is still a boy. :) Today Kennedy had her Kindergarten check-up and 3 booster shots. She did great though.
Kennedy has decided she wants to sleep on the top bunk of her bed, and we have decided it's time for Ansley to move to the bottom bunk...against her wishes. She cried and cried last night wanting to go back to her crib, but she did pretty good tonight. I spent all day cleaning their bedrooms and trying to move most of Ansley's things into Kennedy's room. It is now "their" room, and the nursery is almost ready for a little boy.
We are going back to Arkansas next weekend to help Betsy and Chad have a garage sale. I have a lot to do to get ready for that. We are cleaning out closets, the basement and garage and packing up things to sell, including all of our baby girl clothes since we plan on this being our last child.
Enjoy the pics!
Ansley swinging at the rehearsal dinner--she was having a ball!

My sisters, sister-in-laws, and might-as-well-have-been sisters as much time as we spent together as kids

Kennedy and Ansley in their flower girl dressses

All 3 flower girls: Ansley, Kennedy and my niece Sidney

Caleb, my nephew (the ringbearer) and the flower girls

The radiant bride and me...seriously, have you ever seen a more beautiful bride???

The girls and their Aunt Betsy

This is during the wedding...what Stacy and I did through most of the ceremony. I'm going to have to watch the video to see what was actually said. Our kids were a bit rambunctious.